I have fallen in love with a bug. The incredible honeybee. The last few years I have picked up a new hobby. Beekeeping. I never thought that a insect could be so fascinating. I started out with a single hive and now I have four in may back yard and three more down at my store.
"Oh" did I forget to mention I also have a new Beekeeping business. My Friend Nate Hall and my father Mike Bachman and myself have opened a new beekeeping business for hobbyist. Deseret Hive Supply. (my wife Annessa is also an invaluable asset to the business. I get into these things and she is right there with me.) (Thank you for all you do I love you more than you will ever know)
I guess I let my Hobie run away. We sale everything a hobbyist beekeeper needs to raise bees and harvest the wonderful liquid sunshine that they produce. Honey
I will have to post recipes using honey.